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You are well aware that water is a necessary part of life. But just because you need water to live, it doesn’t mean your home needs it as well. In fact, water anywhere in or around your home can be a serious problem with costly consequences. You might think that a little bit of water is no big deal. While a small spill isn’t anything to worry about, a burst water pipe, flooded basement, or leaky roof can cost you a fortune. How much exactly? Here are a few things you should know:

Fixing a single leaky or missing shingle can cost anywhere from $100 to $300 (not counting water damage).

A flooded basement will cost anywhere from $500 to $10,000 to dry and repair. Factors that contribute to cost include the size of the basement, the severity of the flood, and the length of time the basement was flooded.

A burst water pipe will cost at least $5,000 to fix, and can cost as much as $70,000 in damages.

Homeowners or flood insurance will usually cover water damage costs but not always the full amount (and it depends on the cause as well).
Water damage is a serious problem with potentially serious financial consequences. What can you do to protect your home and prevent problems in the first place? With a few careful additions, steps, and prevention methods, most homeowners can all but eliminate the risk of water damage ruining your home.


One of the most important things you can do to prevent water damage and save money is to be aware of your home environment and stay informed about what’s around you. What exactly does that mean? Here are a few things you should know:

Know how old your home is, what the pipes are made of, and what type of issues usually plague homes just like yours. If you live in an older home it’s important to know what the pipes are made of (you can find that out by calling a plumbing service, asking the previous homeowner, or hiring an inspector). There are a variety of pipe materials used in new and old homes, and some are more prone to leaks than others.

Be aware of your climate. Do you live somewhere cold and snowy? If so, you might need to insulate your pipes throughout the winter. Without a bit of insulation, exposed pipes can freeze, crack, and burst. As mentioned above, a burst pipe can cost thousands of dollars to fix. But don’t think the only pipes you need to worry about are those that are exposed; even pipes underneath your home, in your garage, or near outer walls can freeze. Luckily, all it takes is a bit of foam insulation to prevent most problems.

Being aware of the weather problems are common in your area. Weather is perhaps the biggest factor you need to consider when preventing water damage. Make sure you know what to expect and take specific measures to protect your home.

Look over your water bill each month and pay attention to unusual fluctuations. If you find you are paying more than you should, it might indicate a leak.

Inspect your roof at least once a season. Any damage on your roof can lead to serious problems throughout the rest of your home. If you can’t see your roof or are incapable of climbing on it, call a roofing company for assistance.

Damaged sprinkler systems are a major cause of yard and basement floods throughout the country. It’s common for sprinklers to wear out over time and with frequent use, eventually leading to leaks. And in areas that drop below freezing during the winter, broken or burst pipes are even more common. If your city shuts off the water to your sprinkler systems each fall, make sure you know when they will turn the water back on. Once you know when the water will be turned on in the spring, spend a few days after they do so watching your yard for any soggy, damp, or unusually spongy areas. If you notice any excess water, you will need to repair the damage quickly. If the main water line does not leak, turn your sprinkler system on and watch for the same signs of damage. If the sprinklers seem to be working poorly or with reduced pressure there might be a leak somewhere in the system.


We can help you fix and repair anything that may be causing water damage throughout your home. While we are more than happy to help get your life back on track, preventing water damage is always better than fixing it. But we know that life happens and some problems simply can’t be stopped. If that’s the case, you need to act fast to save your home and belongings. The first thing you need to do if you have a leak or to prevent more water damage is to turn off the water throughout your home. The longer you leave it on, the greater the damage will be. If the flood is caused by Mother Nature, consider placing sandbags and other dams around your home as an alternative. Once the water is off (or the flow is redirected) make sure you turn the power off throughout your home. It is very easy to electrocute yourself during a flood if you keep the power on. After the water and electricity are off, remove all of your belongings and furniture as quickly as possible. You will need to dry and repair furniture and electronics, but most of it can be salvaged if you act quickly. If the water subsides or dries on its own, you will need to clean any wet surfaces to prevent mold, mildew, and bacteria from growing. Avoid using high or direct heat, as that can ruin fabrics and warp most materials. Once you have done your best and if there is still water in your home, it’s time to call for professional help. Like we said before, we are ready with the tools and experience you need when you need us if you can’t do it on your own.

Get more vital information about water damage and home improvement from the GLR Reconstruction Contractors in Cleveland, OH.


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